American Association of Directors
of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
AADCAP is composed of the heads of child and adolescent psychiatry divisions and seeks
to aggressively promote the field of academic child and adolescent psychiatry.

Professional Tools
4 Tips for Age-Appropriate Drug Education for Kids
Addiction Center is not a specific treatment facility, instead we are a free web information guide that connects addicts and their families with the help they need to put their lives together. Our goal is to help individuals and loved ones by providing them with information and support on different substances, addictions, and recovery resources.
A volunteer-run organization dedicated to guiding people through every step of the addiction treatment and recovery process. Goal: To connect those battling addiction to the help they need to put their lives back on track.
The AlcoRehab team is a group of professionals who are passionate about helping those struggling with alcoholism. We are devoted to providing free support and resources for people who are fighting an alcohol addiction and their loved ones. (teen addiction treatment) is a community-based public-benefit website connecting people to the addiction resources they need. This resource is free to the public.
Alcohol Rehab Guide: Underage Drinking (
ARG is dedicated to helping people overcome alcoholism and achieve long-term sobriety. is committed to helping people recover from addiction by finding each client a treatment program that is developed specifically for their needs. We strive to connect clients with the top respected rehabilitation centers across the country, while always keeping their recovery at the forefront of each conversation.
Center for Parent and Teen Communication
The CPTC uses the best of science on youth development and parenting to support healthy family relationships and empower parents to effectively guide teens to be their best selves. CPTC is committed to strengthening family relationships and building youth who will possess the character strengths that will prepare them for healthy, successful, and meaningful lives. We need them to lead us into the future!
Center for School, College, and Career Ressources (CSCCR)
College Student's Guide to Avoiding Drug and Alcohol Abuse
This guide has a strong focus on substance abuse on campus and offers info on how this issue affects college students and youth, campus regulations and policies, where to get help, and what parents, teachers and peers can do about it. The page also includes expert insight and tips from a recovering college addict who now works with a treatment center to help those struggling with substance abuse.
The Dangers of Underage Drinking
Telltale Symptoms Of Children Using Drugs. The guide includes: Signs Of Drug Abuse, Paraphernalia of Drug Use, Why And Risk Factors, and Prevention and Treatment
Diagnosing Depression
Your Guide to Depression & Mental Health in the UK
Drug & Alcohol Withdrawal in Teens
Parental substance abuse is a major factor contributing to child abuse and neglect. Parents' abuse of alcohol and other drugs can lead to a cycle of addiction, which is reflected by high rates of alcoholism and other substance abuse among children of addicts. Our newest guides are available here:
Drug Rehab Connections: Resources for Families and Those Suffering From an Addiction
Drug Treatment Center Finder. Resources offered:
• Health Screenings
• Collection of Informational/Educational Resources & Data
• Extensive Drug and Alcohol Addiction & Treatment Guides
• Nationwide Directory of Addiction Treatment & Mental Health Services
Drugs, Drinking and Peer Pressure Guide to Alcohol Rehab & Recovery
Kids Smoking Weed | Teens Smoking Pot was created with one goal in mind: to help answer sleep questions so everyone can have a better night’s sleep.
Maximus Foundation: Grants
The MAXIMUS Foundation provides grants to nonprofit organizations and charities that share our commitment in helping disadvantaged populations and underserved communities. The Foundation Board of Directors makes funding decisions through a competitive, biannual grantmaking process, with an emphasis on programs that promote personal growth and community development.
Mental Health Issues Facing Generation Z
Sunshine Behavioral Health
Next Generation Village (Sebring, FL)
Next Generation Village offers a full continuum of recovery care for adolescents struggling with addiction, substance abuse, and co-occurring mental health disorders.
Rehabilitation For Teens: How To Determine Which Program To Choose
Addiction truly is a family disease. Rehab Spot is here to help family members of those struggling with substance abuse. provides a huge internet database of executive private clinics, as well as a wealth of other options.
Screenings: J. Flowers Health Institute
The importance of Adolescent Screenings
Sleepline: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) And Sleep
Social Media and the Link to Drug Addiction
A Student's Guide to Looking After Your Mental Health at University
Substance Abuse Treatment Options for Teens
Teen Drug Abuse: Statistics & Facts
These centers offer facilities like residential as well as outpatient de-addiction programs. Most de-addiction centers like New York treatment center offers psychotherapy, detoxification, and methadone maintenance.
Tuck--Advancing Better Sleep
Tuck aims to improve sleep hygiene, health, and wellness through the creation and dissemination of comprehensive, unbiased, free resources. Boasting the largest collection of aggregated data on sleep surfaces on the web (over 95,000 customer experiences from nearly 1,000 individual sources).


Allied Organizations
To organizations interested in listing a resource on this page, you can contact our Executive Director ( and must include a link to the page(s) that relate to children and adolescents. Messages not including those pages will not be considered.
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
With 8,700+ members, AACAP is the leading association for child & adolescent psychiatrists. The mission of AACAP is to promote the healthy development of children, adolescents, and families through advocacy, education, and research, and to meet the professional needs of child and adolescent psychiatrists throughout their careers.
American Psychiatric Association
The American Psychiatric Association is the world’s largest psychiatric organization and a medical specialty society representing growing membership of more than 36,000 psychiatrists. Members work together to ensure humane care and effective treatment for all persons with mental disorders, including intellectual
disabilities and substance use disorders.
American Association of Chairs of Departments of Psychiatry
AADCP represents the leaders of departments of psychiatry in all of the medical schools in the United States and Canada.
American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training
The mission of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training is to promote excellence in the education and training of future psychiatrists.
Association of American Medical Colleges
New AAMC Resources for Improving Commitment to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
The AAMC has released two new resources to help academic medicine professionals assess and improve their commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion across their personal and professional networks. The Diversity, Inclusion, Culture, and Equity (DICE) inventory includes 89 proprietary assessment questions intended to help medical school and teaching hospital staff and faculty conduct a comprehensive review of institutional policies, practices, procedures, and programs that impact the climate and culture around diversity, equity, and inclusion. The Foundational Principles of Inclusion Excellence (FPIE) Toolkit delivers a complete workshop designed to be experienced within small and large groups of medical school faculty, staff, administrators, and/or students. The toolkit guides participants in assessing equity, diversity, and inclusion within their environment based on their lived experiences and provides a road map to help participants drive progress toward achieving inclusion excellence in their workplace and learning environments.
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
The mission of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Inc. is to serve the public interest and the professions of psychiatry and neurology by promoting excellence in practice through certification and maintenance of certification processes.
ACGME Accreditation Council on Graduate Medical Education
The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) is responsible for the Accreditation of post-MD medical training programs within the United States. Accreditation is accomplished through a peer review process and is based upon established standards and guidelines.
National Resident Matching Program
The National Resident Matching Program is a private, not-for-profit corporation established in 1952 to provide a uniform date of appointment to positions in graduate medical education (GME).
National Institute on Mental Health
The mission of NIMH is to transform the understanding and treatment of mental illnesses through basic and clinical research, paving the way for prevention, recovery, and cure.
American Medical Association
Improving the health of the nation is at the core of the AMA's work to enhance the delivery of care and enable physicians and health teams to partner with patients to achieve better health for all.

Virtual Platforms
For providers:
How to set up account
Having a call with a patient
Setting up a test call
For your dashboard and account settings
For patients:
How to set up through chrome
How to set up through firefox
Source Links
U.S. Dept of Justice/Drug Enforcement Administration/Diversion Control Division: COVID-19 Information Page
"Talking to Kids about Coronavirus"
The Well by Northwell:
Talking to Kids about Coronavirus
Well Said with Dr. Ira Nash featuring Dr. Victor Fornari
Coronavirus Update: Mental Health Impact
“Coping with Stress”
US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC):
“Mental Health and Coping During COVID-19”
US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC):
“Taking Care of your Emotional Health”
US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC):
“Helping Children Cope with Emergencies”
US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC):
RedBook Online COVID-19 Outbreak page
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP):
Q&A on Coronaviruses
World Health Organization (WHO):
Coronavirus & Mental Health: Taking Care of Ourselves During Infectious Disease Outbreaks
American Psychiatric Association (APA):
Coronavirus & Emerging Infectious Disease Outbreaks Response
Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress (CSTS):
Taking Care of your Family during Coronavirus Fact Sheet
Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress (CSTS):
Research Information: Pandemics
American Psychological Association:
Five ways to view coverage of the Coronavirus
American Psychological Association:
Speaking of Psychology: Coronavirus Anxiety
American Psychological Association:
Parent/Caregiver Guide to Helping Families Cope with COVID-19
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network:
Just for Kids: A Comic Exploring the New Coronavirus
National Public Radio:
Talking to Teens & Tweens about Coronavirus
The New York Times:
Home is Where the Work is: How to Keep Your Cool--and Get Things Done--When You're Teleworking
U.S. Dept of Veterans Affairs: How to Talk to a Child about a Suicide Attempt in Your Family
AADCAP Statement Addressing Racism
As representatives and leaders of the American Association of Directors of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AADCAP), we express grief, anger, and sorrow over the deaths of George Floyd, Breona Taylor, and Ahmaund Arbery at the hands of law enforcement. Racism has been a persistent and malignant undercurrent in American society, and violence against minorities is part of this picture, particularly for African-Americans.
Our responsibilities as medical professionals include recognizing the tragic consequences of racism and working tirelessly to correct them. We realize inequities exist in the access to and the quality of healthcare, something that was particularly evident in the spread and consequences of the recent COVID epidemic. We must raise awareness about this issue, take action to ensure that the care we provide is sensitive to race and culture, and work to eliminate discriminatory practices in hospitals, clinics, and communities. We must also ensure the provision of non-discriminatory medical and psychiatric services by encouraging diversity among our clinical staff. In the process, we will better understand the patient’s experience, allow the patient and family to better identify with their caregiver, and encourage greater confidence in the treatment process. Among our responsibilities is the training of child and adolescent psychiatrists and future medical health professionals. We hope to instill the same sense of accountability for these principles in the patient care they provide now and in the future.
The events of the past few days tell us that there should no longer be different standards that exploit and victimize minorities in this country, whether through law enforcement and the justice system or by medical providers in the healthcare system. The American Association of Directors of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry promises to oppose all forms of racism and be accountable for programs and policies that promote diversity, inclusiveness, and respect for racial and ethnic differences.
D. Richard Martini, MD
AADCAP President
Tami Benton, MD
AADCAP President-Elect
Victor Fornari, MD
AADCAP Past President