American Association of Directors
of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
AADCAP is composed of the heads of child and adolescent psychiatry divisions and seeks
to aggressively promote the field of academic child and adolescent psychiatry.

The purpose of the AADCAP is to provide a forum for discussion and exchange of ideas among the child and adolescent psychiatry division chiefs in medical schools in the United States and elsewhere for the purposes of:
Enhancing the growth and development of child and adolescent psychiatry as a discipline;
Strengthening graduate and postgraduate medical education, patient care and research in the area of child and adolescent psychiatry; and
Providing appropriate liaison between academic child and adolescent psychiatry as represented by the membership and administrative persons and organizations in medical education (e.g., departments of psychiatry, medical school deans, specialty boards), government, research, and health care delivery to forward our objectives.
AADCAP Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is comprised of the President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, Secretary-Treasurer, Program Chair, Membership Chair, and Diversity & Equity Chair. The President appoints the Membership Chair, Program Chair, and Diversity & Equity Chair and has the option to fill those positions. The Committee is the governing body of AADCAP and establishes its policies. The Executive Director carries our those policies and is responsible for the administration of AADCAP.

Welcome to the American Association of Directors of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AADCAP). The goal of our organization is to support division chiefs/directors in and outside of the United States in their administrative efforts to coordinate and maintain clinical, educational, and research priorities. AADCAP accomplishes this by providing opportunities for continuing education in a collegial environment that encourages collaboration and professional growth. The organization works to enhance the development of child and adolescent psychiatry as a discipline and to address issues that are important for the future of our specialty. AADCAP also serves an advocacy role for child and adolescent psychiatry within schools of medicine, hospital administration, local and national governments, professional organizations, and research institutions. We encourage your participation and your membership.
If you are interested in learning more about AADCAP, please contact Earl Magee ( or me.
David Axelson, MD
AADCAP President
Nationwide Children's Hospital, The Ohio State University School of Medicine, and the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
Columbus, OH

Robert Chayer, MD
AADCAP President-Elect
Medical College of Wisconsin
Milwaukee, MI

Tami Benton, MD
AADCAP Immediate Past President
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP)
Philadelphia, PA

Margaret "Meg" Benningfield, MD
AADCAP Secretary-Treasurer
Vanderbilt Univdrsity Medical Center
Nashville, TN

Nasuh Malas MD
AADCAP Membership Chair
University of Michigan Medical School
Ann Arbor, MI

Yael Dvir, MD
AADCAP Program Chair
UMass Memorial health
Worster, MA

Andres "Andy" Pumariega, MD
AADCAP Diversity & Equity Chair
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL

Earl Magee
Executive Director
AADCAP has six standing committees and a Diversity & Equity Committee. The general committees' mission is to address the pressing issues facing child and adolescent psychiatry program directors. Specifically, these committees have the following objectives:
Facilitate a committee meeting to be held during the year and/or an AADCAP meeting to discuss committee issues;
Create a session for a meeting; and
Represent AADCAP on issues related to the committee.
Committee Members serve for two years with a maximum of three non-consecutive terms.
Committee Chairs/Co-Chairs
Administration Ron-Li Liaw, MD
Eva Szigethy, MD
Clinical Affairs Jim Waxmonsky, MD
Mike Scharf, MD
Research Peter Szatmari, MD
Jeremy Veenstra-VanderWeele, MD
Training and Education Felicity Adams, MD
Lee Lewis, MD
​Emeritus Steve Cuffe, MD
Gaye Carlson, MD
Task Force Chairs
AIRE Task Force Lee Lewis, MD
AADCAP's seventh committee is the Nominating Committee. There shall be a three-person Nominating Committee established that will determine a slate of at least two candidates for the positions of President-Elect and Secretary-Treasurer. The Chair of the Nominating Committee shall be a Past President other than the immediate Past President as chosen by the President of AADCAP during an odd-numbered year. The other members of the Nominating Committee can be chosen by the Chair of the Nominating Committee or the President and shall be represented by two other AADCAP members in good standing, one General Member and one Emeritus Member. Members of the Nominating Committee are not eligible for the slate of the upcoming election.