American Association of Directors
of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
AADCAP is composed of the heads of child and adolescent psychiatry divisions and seeks to aggressively promote the field of
academic child and adolescent psychiatry.
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To All Emeritus Members
The AADCAP Emeritus Committee is creating opportunities to better utilize our Emeritus members’ knowledge and wisdom. We are starting a mentorship initiative to assist new Division Directors and those who are facing challenges and need support and advice from experienced former Directors. Please indicate below your interest in participating in this project. When the Emeritus Committee receives a request for mentorship, we will vet the request and match them to someone from the list of interested Emeritus members.
In addition, we are starting a speakers list of members interested in presenting to other child divisions, and we encourage those of you who are no longer members of AADCAP to consider rejoining at the reduced Emeritus member rate of $200/year.